Friday, November 19, 2010

Awesome workout today

We really had a great bootcamp style workout today. Running a total of 3.6 miles, we snuck in front and side lunges, planks, pushups, dips, and wall sits. Well done ladies!!

Next week is off due to Thanksgiving, but get ready to come on Dec. 3rd at 8:30am. It will be the perfect way to rev up your metabolism before Christmas and jumpstart your New Year's Resolution. Can't wait to see you there!

Friday, November 12, 2010

Today and Next Week (Nov. 19)

Our warm up today was a 1 1/2 mile jog and we are making such progress! Core work, step ups, chest, and back excercises rounded up the rest of the workout... not including our little stair and trail run around the property. Great job today and be sure to continue working out the rest of the week!

Cardio Bootcamp: Next week we are going to double the running mileage, while still getting in weight bearing/strength cicuits.

Anybody training for a 5k, half marathon, marathon? Or always wanted to run one?

We can start a running program for anyone interested in running a 5k, half marathon, or marathon. I am available Fridays at 9:30am. Otherwise, you can just use the 8:30am bootcamp class as a perfect cross training day that is EXTREMELY important in the training program. Cross training helps work all the other muscles you are not using in running and thus keeping those injuries from cropping up weeks before the race day.

For those of you needing extra encouragment, we can start a Fallbrook Bootcamp group to run a local 5k race. (3 miles) That would be a great goal for all the ladies!

RSVP today for Friday's Bootcamp (Nov. 19)

Monday, November 8, 2010

Friday Workout (Nov. 12) 8:30-9:30am

This week we are going to focus on toning our entire body and burn lots of calories! We are going to try to hit as many muscles as possible. Bring water and running shoes.
RSVP today at and let me know if you need childcare.
See you bright and early!

Friday, November 5, 2010

recap from today

Awesome workout today! Stairs, hills, lunges, core, etc.... The kids even got to run outside on the Tennis court. Thanks for such an exciting and fun class! Make sure to drink that H2O and stretch out those legs tomorrow. If you are really sore, a walk or slow jog will help you be more mobile. See you next Friday!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Friday Workout (Nov. 5th) 8:30am

Come ready to roll this Friday for a core, leg, and stair workout! Bring water, a towel, and shoes you don't mind getting a little "dirty."
Childcare is available now every Friday.
RSVP today!!