Monday, December 13, 2010

Last Workout before the Holidays! (Dec. 17)

Come to our last workout this Friday the 17th!! We will resume again on January 7th.

We are going to do a minimum of 3 miles while working out our bootcamp style activites along the way. Bring shoes you don't mind getting muddy again, water, and energy! Can't wait to see you all there.

rsvp by thursday

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Great Workout yesterday!

Awesome work ladies! We did a bunch of core, legs, and stairs this week and I'm feeling it today! We did enough dips to get every muscle sore in my arms and shoulders.

UP FOR NEXT WEEK: We will hit the road next Friday (usually between 3-4 miles) and still do plenty of bootcamp like activities along the way to tone the entire body. Look forward to dips, pushups, sit ups, planks, jumping and hopping, lunges, wall sits, etc. It will certainly get your metabolism going the rest of the day.

Feel free to RSVP right now!

I will still be sending out Facebook invitations early next week.

Have a great weekend!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Bootcamp this Friday (Dec. 3rd)

Let's kick start this holiday season with a 1 1/2 mile jog, stairs, legs, and core. Make sure to bring shoes you don't mind getting muddy in and bring WATER!! This will be a calorie burning workout that will keep your mind active too. I can't wait to see you!