Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Great Job and looking forward to next week!

Great work today! Drink lots of water and stretch every day if possible.

During the week, try to get 2 cardio workouts in for at least 30 min. Walking...Running...Stairs....

Looking forward to a great stair workout next week!... and of course 20 min. of circuit training

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Wed 1:30pm workout (Oct. 27)

We are doing a workout this Wed at 1:30pm because I'm leaving on Thursday for vacation. As soon as I get back next week we will continue our Friday 8:30am workouts.

Monday, October 18, 2010

This Week's Workout:

Get ready for this Friday's workout! Rain or Shine!

October 22, 8:30-9:30am
10 dollars per workout and an extra 5 for each child needing childcare

We have a fun training session this week. Welcome new "Booters!"
Here's the breakdown:
5-10 min Warm-Up and loosen up

20 min: circuits focusing on balance and full body toning: -Core exercises: various isometric and strength building
-Chest/Back with stability ball and weights/bands
-Lunges/Squats with weights and Bosu Ball

30 min: road and trail run with bootcamp like activites as we go

5 min: Cool down, myofacial release (foam rolling), and stretching to gain flexibility (depending on time)
Please bring a small towel, water, and comforable running shoes
Special Notes This Week:
*We have a load of new "Booters" and that is AWESOME!! Don't worry... we will break you in!
*I am currently working on childcare for Friday-I will post soon to confirm
*Feel free to invite friends. The more the merrier! If you sign up a friend, get 20% off the entire month!
*Don't forget to sign up to be a follower for "Fallbrook Bootcamp" to make sure you get the workout and schedule updates.
*Space is limited this week, so be sure to RSVP as soon as possible, especially if you need childcare! To guarentee your spot, please email me at